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Safinatussholah Book Part 2

Posted by Islamic Q&A on Sabtu, 30 Maret 2024


الأول : طهارة الثوب والبدن والمكان من النجاسات وهي










وفرع أحدهما


والميتة وشعرها وظلفها وجلدها إلا ميتة الآدمي والسمك والجراد والمذكاة المباح أكلها


فمتى لاقت هذه النجاسات ثوب الانسان أو بدنه أو مصلاه أو غيرها من الجامدات مع رطوبة فيها أو في ملاقيها فإن كان لها طعم أو لون أو ريح وجب غسلها حتى يزول


ثم يزيد في نجاسة الكلب والخنزير ست غسلات واحدة منها مزوجه بتراب طهور وإن لم يكن لها طعم و لون و ريح وإن كانت من الكلب والخنزير غسلها سبع غسلات واحدة منها ممزوجة بتراب طهور, وإن كانت من غيرها غسلها مرة


ويجب صب الماء على المتنجس إذا كان الماء دون القلتين فإن أدخل المتنجس فيه لم يطهر وتنجس الماء وملاقيه


ويجب عليه الإستبراء من البول حتى يغلب على ظنه أنه لا يعود ولا يخرج ثم يستنجي ويرخى دبره حتى يغسل ما في طبقاته من النجاسة ويدلكه حتى يغلب على ظنه زوال طعم النجاسة ولونها وريحها


ومتى لاقت النجاسات المذكورة الماء فإن كان قلتين لم ينجس ، إلا إن غيرت طعمه أو لونه أو ريحه ويطهر بزوال التغير, وإن كان أقل منهما ينجس بالملاقاة وإن لم يتغير ويطهر ببلوغه قلتين


ومتى لاقت النجاسات المذكورة مائعا غير الماء تنجس بملاقاتها قليلا أو كثيرا تغير أو لم يتغير ولا يطهر قط




As for its conditions, there are 12 for the prayer:

          First; the cleanliness of the clothes, body, and place from several impurities, namely: wine, urine, feces, animal filth, blood, pus, vomit, dogs, pigs, offspring of dogs and pigs. Carrion, including hair/fur, nails, and skin, except for the corpse of a human, the carcass of a fish, locusts, and animals that die through halal slaughter for consumption.

When these impurities adhere to someone's clothes, body, or the prayer area, or attach to other solid objects provided that the impurity is in a wet condition or the object affected by the impurity is wet, then if the adhering impurity has taste, color, or smell, it is obligatory to wash it until it disappears.

Then added to the washing of impurities from dogs and pigs, the washing is done six times, one of which is mixed with pure and purifying dust, even if the impurity does not have taste or color. So, if the impurity is from dogs and pigs, the washing is done seven times, with one of them mixed with pure and purifying dust. Whereas, if the impurity is from other than dogs and pigs, the washing is only done once.

And it is obligatory to pour water on an object that has been contaminated with impurity if the water is less than two kulah (two tub), because if an object contaminated with impurity is placed in such water, the object cannot become clean; instead, both the water and the objects that come into contact with the impure object become impure.

And it is obligatory for him to complete urination until he is reasonably certain that no more urine will come out. After completing urination, he should perform istinja' (cleansing) by loosening his anus so that he can wash the impurities in the folds of the anus and rub them until he is reasonably certain that the taste, color, and smell of the impurity have disappeared. And it is obligatory for him to complete urination until he is reasonably certain that no more urine will come out. After completing urination, he should perform istinja' (cleansing) by loosening his anus so that he can wash the impurities in the folds of the anus and rub them until he is reasonably certain that the taste, color, and smell of the impurity have disappeared.

If the impurity affects water, then; If the water is two kulah (tub), it does not make the water impure unless its taste, color, or smell changes. The water is deemed pure again if these changes disappear. If the water is less than two kulah (tub), it is considered impure even if there is no change, and the water becomes pure again when it reaches two kulah (tub) (by adding water until it reaches two kulah (tub)).

If the impurity affects liquid substances other than water, the liquid is considered impure, whether the liquid is small or large, changed or unchanged, and the liquid can no longer become pure.


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